Welcome to Liaisoning Consultants

  • Location Hemmigepura, Bengaluru

  • Phone +91-9740088749

  • Email unitedliaisoningconsultants@gmail.com


Enquiry Now

Name & Address of the Owner * :  
Name & Address of the GPA Owner * :  
NOC to be addressed to * :  
Site Address *

Total Hieght of the building * (Top Most height as per the drawing) including life machine room, water tank, lightening arrestors, etc

Purpose of the building (Residential / commercial)
Composition of the building (GF/No. of flooers / life room, etc..)
Co-ordinates and MSL of the site as per the certificate issued by "Survey of India"
Encloser along with the application    

Document Sample (If available) Attach file (Drawing, Picture etc. make it as ZIP file and the folder)
